The End to a New Beginning

My life is about to change here soon. I am leaving behind the city I have lived in my entire life and moving to a new town with my soon to be hubby. In the last year, I have reflected back on the person that I am these days vs the person I have 5 years ago. I look back and see myself when I was so very disciplined in my daily routine-Jesus, Gym, Work, School, Bible Study, Volunteering, Family Time. It was all great and truly I was well rounded and balanced in mind, body and spirit. The truth is, I miss being that person. I miss having passion about what I put in my body (food and drinks). I miss being strong (and stronger than most men), I miss most though having a heart sold out for Christ and striving to live every day filtered through God's word. This reflection time has really pushed me to make new goals for myself. To take the prior knowledge I have and create new plans for being more disciplined. 

Who do I want to be on a daily basis? How do I want my life to look?
- Church every Sunday
- Bible study time with fellow believers 
- Personal Devotional time 
- Devotional time with my husband to be 
- Early morning rises
- Walks/Runs or bike rides outside every day 
- Gym workouts 1 hour/day; 5 days/week
- Cooking whole food- real food every day 
- Hydrating 
- Being clean/tidy 
- Financially wise- Savings Plan 

I think most women would make a list fairly similar to this. 5 years ago, I used to blog and not that anyone I knew read it, it was more just for me to reflect on my day and create new goals for tomorrow. So my efforts are to try this again. I want to be a better person. I want to be the strongest me possible. I want to be encouraging and loving toward others. I want to make my father in heaven proud. I want to glorify him and know him at a deeper level. I want to grow in the Lord with my husband and I want our family to grow strong. I want to be strong for him so he can be strong for me in our areas of weakness. We are getting married in 6 months! That is not far away.. It's time to get serious and get moving and preparing myself for my future. I am so very excited for this opportunity God is giving and I pray for wonderful things for me and Jeremy. 

Plan for Tomorrow:
Wake Up- Go for a walk or bike ride for 30 minutes OUTSIDE 
Drink 1 gallon of water 
Black Coffee 
Blackened Chicken and Broccoli 
Fresh Fruits 
Listen to a book 
